Blog Archives
Association of Basal Forebrain Atrophy With Cognitive Decline in Early Alzheimer Disease
Xia Y, Dore V, Fripp J, Bourgeat P, Laws SM, Fowler CJ, Rainey-Smith SR, Martins RN, Rowe C, Masters CL, Coulson EJ, Maruff P.
Longitudinal trajectories of basal forebrain volume in normal aging and Alzheimer’s disease
Ying Xia, Paul Maruff, Vincent Doré, Pierrick Bourgeat, Simon M. Laws, Christopher Fowler, Stephanie R. Rainey-Smith, Ralph N. Martins, Victor L. Villemagne, Christopher C. Rowe, Colin L. Masters, Elizabeth J. Coulson, Jurgen Fripp
A robust harmonization approach for cognitive data from multiple aging and dementia cohorts.
Joseph Giorgio, Ankeet Tanna, Maura Malpetti, Simon R. White, Jingshen Wang, Suzanne Baker, Susan Landau, Tomotaka Tanaka, Christopher Chen, James B. Rowe, John O’Brien, Jurgen Fripp, Michael Breakspear, William Jagust, Zoe Kourtzi, for the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Australian Imaging Biomarkers and Lifestyle flagship study
BDNF VAL66MET polymorphism and memory decline across the spectrum of Alzheimer’s disease
Lim YY, Laws SM, Perin S, Pietrzak RH, Fowler C, Masters CL, Maruff P; AIBL Research Group (2021).
Aggregation of Abnormal Memory Scores and Risk of Incident Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia: A Measure of Objective Memory Impairment in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment
Bradfield NI, Ellis KA, Savage G, Maruff P, Burnham S, Darby D, Lautenschlager NT, Martins RN, Masters CL, Rainey-Smith SR, Robertson J, Rowe C, Woodward M, Ames D (2021).
Plasma Amyloid-beta Biomarker Associated with Cognitive Decline in Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease
Lim YY, Maruff P, Kaneko N, Doecke J, Fowler C, Villemagne VL, Kato T, Rowe CC, Arahata Y, Iwamoto S, Ito K, Tanaka K, Yanagisawa K, Masters CL, Nakamura A (2020).
Association of deficits in short-term learning and Abeta and hippocampal volume in cognitively normal adults
Lim YY, Baker JE, Bruns L, Jr., Mills A, Fowler C, Fripp J, Rainey-Smith SR, Ames D, Masters CL, Maruff P (2020).
Superior Memory Reduces 8-year Risk of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia But Not Amyloid beta-Associated Cognitive Decline in Older Adults
Dang C, Harrington KD, Lim YY, Ames D, Hassenstab J, Laws SM, Yassi N, Hickey M, Rainey-Smith SR, Robertson J, Rowe CC, Sohrabi HR, Salvado O, Weinborn M, Villemagne VL, Masters CL, Maruff P, AIBL (2019).
Visual paired associate learning deficits associated with elevated beta-amyloid in cognitively normal older adults
Baker JE, Pietrzak RH, Laws SM, Ames D, Villemagne VL, Rowe CC, Masters CL, Maruff P, Lim YY (2019).
The Healthy Brain Project: An Online Platform for the Recruitment, Assessment, and Monitoring of Middle-Aged Adults at Risk of Developing Alzheimer’s Disease.
Lim YY, Yassi N, Bransby L, Properzi M, Buckley R (2019)
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