About AIBL data systems
AIBL’s data systems work together to acquire, integrate and publish research data for analysis by our research team.
Data acquisition is supported by the OpenClinica application.
Data integration is performed using a combination of bespoke in-house tools and data warehousing deployments.
Data assets, such as the Integrated Data Set (IDS), are published.
ACCESSing aibl data
Grant submissions
Non-public AIBL data may be used to support grant submissions. Approval from the AIBL team is required before submission. Our team can also provide letters of support with sufficient notice

For researchers
AIBL research team members*
Members of the AIBL research team should email their local study manager, cc’ing the data team at aibldata@csiro.au to request approval. Once the request is approved, the data team will create your CSIRO Partner Account.
ADNI researchers
AIBL supplies a subset of data to ADNI researchers under a collaboration agreement.
Other researchers
Researchers who are not members of the AIBL research team are invited to submit an Expression of Interest to request access to AIBL data. Approval is granted to researchers who meet strict criteria.
*Account and data access details are provided in an introductory email. If you require further assistance or have questions about AIBL’s data systems (including requests to extend CSIRO Partner Accounts or reset passwords), please contact our data team by email at aibldata@csiro.au.
Collaborator expressions of interest and data requests
Researchers can request access to AIBL data by completing the AILB EOI form. Submission details are included in the form. Expressions of interest are reviewed by the AIBL management committee, following a rigorous assessment process.
External resources for collaborators
Stay up to date with the latest news from the AIBL study.